Sunday, May 17, 2009

Safe in the arms of government

Safe in the arms of government: "They don’t sit around and plot ways to destroy freedom; they really think that what they are doing is good for the people, and for the nation. But they are wrong. Freedom restricted is freedom lost, and he who holds the authority to restrict freedom wields tyranny with each new restriction.

“They” are the new power brokers in Washington. Their answer to every problem is more government control. As government control expands, freedom is restricted. Government control is expanding at warp speed, and the loss of freedom is not even a consideration.

While the president stands before TV cameras to tell the people that he has no desire to run the banks or the car companies, his lieutenants take control of the banks and the car companies. A free market would squeeze out banks and car companies that cannot compete and replace them with product and service providers that are approved by the consumers. But “they” have no faith in a free market. They believe a free market produces greed and widens the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Government control eliminates excessive salaries and dictates the kind of cars that people should be driving. Therefore, government control, they contend, is better than freedom in the market place."

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