Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Same Old Game - IBD -

Same Old Game - IBD - "Stimulus: President Obama's new plan to cut taxes on all but those most likely to create jobs is little more than an exercise in class warfare to divide Americans and win votes — not to get the economy growing again.

Much was made of Obama's 'compromise' on taxes, including his plan to keep lower rates on the 98% of Americans who earn less than $250,000, and spend $180 billion or more to cut some business taxes and invest in more infrastructure repair.

The president's supporters say this is a good plan — giving Republicans the tax cuts they want while letting average Americans keep their current tax rates. Only the 'rich' get hit.

This plan is actually quite cynical, as even the New York Times tacitly admits, saying Obama 'intends to cast the issue as a choice between supporting the middle class or giving breaks to the wealthy.' In short, it's not really about jobs at all. It's about politics.

Obama, though himself wealthy, seems to truly hate the private-sector rich — believing the neo-Marxist pap that as a 'class' they create nothing, but rather exploit the rest of us."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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