Friday, December 10, 2010

Stop Liberal Lies - Obama’s Emerging Enabling Act

Stop Liberal Lies

Obama’s Emerging Enabling Act

The formal name of Adolf Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933 was the Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Nation. It gave Hitler unobstructed and unprecedented power to impose his vision of Germany on the country.

Long, long ago, in a world far, far away, philosopher and cultural critic George Santayana in 1905 noted that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”*
Have Americans learned from history? Have they any core knowledge of the past from which to draw wisdom, conclusions, and rational guidance? To judge by the record of the last half century – no. Perhaps a more pertinent question might be: Do they know history? Most Americans are feeble on their own history, having never encountered much of it except for the Howard Ziinn- or Bill Ayers- style of history, or the multiculturalist brand, never mind world history or ancient history. They have been dumbed down and rendered ignorant of their own past. The Punic Wars? The Gates of Vienna? The Council of Nicaea? Kristallnacht? These events may as well have occurred on a distant planet.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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