Monday, July 28, 2014

The establishment’s fear of the truth empowers Obama by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD

Family Security Matters: What would happen if Americans learned that Barack Obama is not just an individual with a history of radical, anti-American associations, but an illegal President and an unindicted felon?

What would happen if Americans learned that the US government, including all members of Congress, and leading figures in American media knew it and deliberately hid the truth from us?

If such a scenario were true, the political system and the media, as we now know it, would collapse, most politicians and journalists would lose their jobs and many would go to jail.

Who in government and the media have the greatest incentive to remain silent and run out the clock on Barack Obama?

Obama and his inner circle know that there is a limit to the opposition's ability to investigate governmental corruption without exposing their own possible complicity.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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