Friday, June 24, 2016

Obama says he is confident after talking to Cameron that UK exit from EU will be orderly | Daily Mail Online

Obama says he is confident after talking to Cameron that UK exit from EU will be orderly | Daily Mail Online: White House attempted to calm choppy global waters on Friday brought on by Britain's spectacular decision to leave the European Union
The president, on the West Coast for a summit and fundraising events, said in a speech he talked Prime Minister David Cameron
He also spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel - they agreed the US and the EU will 'work closely together in the weeks and months ahead.'
Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron - who is resigning - in the fight to keep the EU intact
In the race for the White House, Hillary Clinton joined Obama on the side of the 'remain' campaign and Donald Trump urged Britain to 'leave'
Vice President Joe Biden was in Ireland, receiving an honorary doctorate; he said in his speech, 'I must say we had looked for a different outcome'

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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