Friday, November 8, 2019

FDNY issues serious warning after multiple EMTs targeted and attacked

FDNY issues serious warning after multiple EMTs targeted and attacked: After a number of recent news stories circulated about a rise in attacks on emergency responders, the FDNY dropped a chilling reminder to criminals.

Mess with them, and you’ll rot in jail.

New York’s Bravest have recently fallen victim to a number of attacks, specifically targeting EMTs within the city walls. And they’re not keeping quiet about it any longer.

“EMTs and paramedics respond to 1.5 million calls each year,” a social media post from the department said. “These men and women are highly trained and prepared to save your life at a moment’s notice.⁣ FDNY EMS helps protect our city by providing the highest level of pre-hospital emergency care. They face many dangers while on duty, including assault, and are protected by New York State Law. Assaulting an FDNY EMT or paramedic is a felony punishable by 7 years in prison.⁣”

These are men and women who have donated their lives in the name of saving lives and helping those in need. And they’re being ruthlessly attacked because of it.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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