Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Van Jones: “white polluters” and “white environmentalists” “steering poison into the people of color communities” « RBO

Van Jones: “white polluters” and “white environmentalists” “steering poison into the people of color communities” « RBO

Courtesy of RBO reader Paul we have this January 2008 speech by Van Jones on “Green Jobs Not Jails — The Third Wave of Environmentalism” from the EON Deep Democracy Interview Series.

First, at the 1:40 minute mark Jones says: “The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities because they don’t have a racial justice frame.”

Next, at the 2:35 minute mark Jones says:

    … there’s a problem .. left to itself this new third wave of environmentalism could become eco-apartheid … the ecological ‘haves’ could just get more and the ecological ‘have nots’ could just get less and less …

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