Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Old Obama: The American People Elected Me to Pass This Popular Legislation They Desperately Want
New Obama: The American People Elected Me to Have the Guts to Pass This Unpopular Legislat

Old Obama: The American People Elected Me to Pass This Popular Legislation They Desperately Want<br>New Obama: The American People Elected Me to Have the Guts to Pass This Unpopular Legislat: "Old Obama: The American People Elected Me to Pass This Popular Legislation They Desperately Want
New Obama: The American People Elected Me to Have the Guts to Pass This Unpopular Legislation They Don't Want

Isn't it strange that the premises shift, but the conclusion remains the same.

How bad has Barack Obama’s slide in the polls become? So bad, Jake Tapper reports for ABC News, that the White House has abandoned the talk of mandates and now cast Obama as a courageous statesman willing to do the unpopular. Why, the world would look much different if Obama was concerned about mandates:

“If we only did what was popular in polls, the banks would have failed, there’s be no domestic automakers, and we’d pull all of our troops out of Afghanistan tomorrow …”

Rasmussen has Obama steady at 53 disapprove, 46 approve. That index thingy creeped up to -12 due to his strong approval slipping down to 28."

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