Blueprint for New World Order
I have never bought into the New World Order thinking, however, Obama has made it quite clear that he means to destabilize our economy, make everyone equally as poor as the next person in his quest for equality. And he makes no bones about wanting us on par with every other nation on earth, even the third world countries. It is starting to sink in that there will be a new world order of some kind.
If you want to know what the globalist elite really have in mind for us, you should keep your eye on Foreign Policy Magazine, as I do.
The May-June issue is nothing short of a blueprint for where the powers that be plan to take us – and it ain't pretty.
Never before have I seen this crew let their hair down quite so obviously.
The cover sports a photo montage of Karl Marx's face made up of bread, tools and fruit. The headline reads: "Marx, Really? Why he matters now." The edition is called "The Big Think Issue" – but it's actually much more than that, more like a wish list.
Founded by major grants of the Carnegie Mellon Foundation, since January Foreign Policy has been published by the Slate Group of the Washington Post Company. It is sustained largely by special advertising supplements by the European Union, which boasts in the current issue how the Barack Obama administration is moving America closer to the policies of socialist, oligarchic Old Europe.
"Today, with the pillars of capitalism falling all around us, it might seem odd to wonder what world-changing shifts this Great Recession will help bring to life – what Next Big Thing is just around the corner," the cover story begins with a certain restrained glee. "But moments of rupture such as these are precisely what true innovators seek to exploit, creating new paradigms and leaving a trail of winners and losers in their wake. Companies, technologies, and ideas that survive this latest tide of creative destruction will emerge sharper, stronger, and more resilient for it."
Here's what's coming, according to the editors: "Massive structural shifts are no doubt in store for capitalism itself, with the once mighty financial industry on its knees and market fundamentalism in retreat. In world politics, power may be fragmenting, but a humbled America stands poised to be an unlikely beneficiary of the crash its financial wizards created. Awareness of the Earth's vulnerability is growing, but perhaps not fast enough to combat environmental decline. And in the new field of bioengineering, scientists are steadily perfecting technologies that may forever alter what it means to be human."
"We can't predict the future with any certainty," the article continues. "But we know it will be much different from today. Get ready for a world of change. Get ready for the Next Big Thing."
Most exciting to the editors is how the elite will direct human evolution in the future.
"We can now program life," announces Juan Enriquez, managing director of Excel Medical Ventures. "Several months ago, researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute and Synthetic Genomics took a mycoplasma cell and inserted long strands of DNA into it, making the cell an entirely different species. In January 2008, the same team built and inserted the world's largest organic molecule into a cell – this is the equivalent of a complete software package to program cells. One year later they produced thousands of these programs in a single day."
The author explains these discoveries mean that "one can write out a life code, manipulate a cell and execute a specified desired function. It means we can convert cells into programmable manufacturing entities."
"These discoveries, and new applications, are spreading rapidly," the article continues. "Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have assembled a standard registry of biological parts. Think of this as a RadioShack for cells. You can get open-source proteins, RNA, DNA, regulators and terminators. In 2008, hundreds of students from 21 countries came together to make cool live stuff."
We'll soon be growing new body parts, according to the story. They're already growing extra wings on chickens.
"By beginning to read and write the life code, we are gradually becoming a different species; we are moving from Homo sapiens into Homo evolutis, a human being that deliberately engineers its own evolution and that of other species. And that is the ultimate tsunami."
Scary? It gets worse.
"Now imagine a world in which every newborn baby immediately has a little capsule implanted under his armpit," explains another story in the series. "Inside are monitors, tiny amounts of hormones
, a wireless transmitter and a receiver. The device is powered by a battery like the one inside your watch. Surgical replacement of the capsule every five years is mandatory, strictly enforced, and, because it is very cheap, paid for by the state."
What's the purpose?
"From birth, no moment in a person's life will go unmonitored," the story explains. "At each street corner, at the entrance to each home, perhaps even inside each room and under each bed, there will be a metal box, tamper-proof and solid enough to prevent burglary. Each box will contain a receiver and a transmitter linked to a central computer. Every time a person passes near the box, an electronic report will go out. It will run somewhat as follows: 'The level of the anger hormone carried in the bloodstream of No. KJ-090679883 is a little elevated. Inject 21 milligrams of the relevant antidote into his bloodstream to prevent him from turning violent.'"
All this will be done instantaneously and automatically, explains the piece. It's a way for the great big nanny-state of the near-future can keep us from harming one another.
For Americans, the issue warns, it's time to lower expectations – especially with regard to wealth.
"The safest prediction is that the post-crisis financial sector will be downsized and more heavily regulated, nationally and internationally," explains Michael Lind, policy director of the New America Foundation's Economic Growth Program. "We can almost comfortably wager that government subsidies will rule the day. State capitalism, in one form or another, has always existed in Europe and the industrial nations of East Asia. Now state capitalism with American characteristics may emerge from the de facto nationalization of the U.S. automobile industry and perhaps other sectors that need to be rescued as the wave of deleveraging works its way through the economy."
What else?
* global industry will be heavily subsidized, as will global agriculture;
* the modern welfare state will finally triumph;
* more massive immigration into the U.S.
About one thing, the author and I agree: "Milton Friedman will be rolling over in his grave."
What about Marx?
Marx is celebrated for "predicting the successful capitalist globalization of recent decades. He accurately foresaw many of the fateful factors that would give rise to today's global economic crisis: what he called the 'contradictions' inherent in a world comprised of competitive markets, commodity production and financial speculation."
What's missing, of course, is any acknowledgement of the role Marx and his followers, and those globalists comfortable with at least some of his evil ideas, have played in making those self-fulfilling prophecies.
It is a remarkably candid edition.
It should be a wakeup call for all those who have doubted there really are marionettes at least attempting to pull all our strings on the global stage.
There is a plan – and it is terrifying in its scope and specificity.
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