Friday, June 19, 2009

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Are Hamas and Hezbollah Uniting to Crush Iranian Dissidents?

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Are Hamas and Hezbollah Uniting to Crush Iranian Dissidents?

Let us not forget that Jimmy Carter is now asking that hamas be taken off the terrorist watch list as you read this.

Encountering Hamas in Teheran is tantamount to meeting an African American at a KKK gathering.

And yet, the Sunni terrorist group from the Palestinian Authority is now joining hands with the Shi’ite mullahs of Iran to crush street protests in favor of opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi and to solidify the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

This development was reported by the Jerusalem Post and other international news outlets as rioting on a scale unseen in Iran for nearly a decade continued in the wake of the elections and the allegations that the results were falsified.
The protests have now spread from Teheran to other major cities.
Hamas formally welcomed the re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last Saturday.
Despite the blackout of media coverage, thousands of protesters rallied again in Teheran on Tuesday and Wednesday in support of Mousavi. Israeli sources maintain that scores of people have been killed by security forces at rallies that have erupted throughout Iran in the wake of last week’s presidential elections.
An Iranian student passed out flyers to Jerusalem Post reporters that listed the names of Fatima Brahati, Kasra Sharafi, Kambiz Shahi, Mohsen Emani, and Mina Ahtrami. He claimed that these individuals were TeheranUniversity students who had been murdered yesterday by pro-government gunmen. “The most important thing that I believe people outside of Iran should be aware of,” the student said, “is the participation of Palestinian forces in these riots.”
Other Iranian protesters – including a young man who carried a kitchen knife in one hand and a stone in the other – also testified to the presence of Hamas in Teheran. A young man who carried a butcher knife in one hand and a rock in the other said, “My brother had his ribs beaten in by those Palestinian animals. Taking our people’s money is not enough – they are thirsty for our blood too.”
It’s ironic, the knife wielding man added, the victorious Ahmadinejad “tells us to pray for the young Palestinians, suffering at the hands of Israel.” He expressed his hope that Israel would “come to its senses” and ruthlessly deal with the Palestinians.
When asked if these militia fighters could have been mistaken for Lebanese Shi’ites, sent by Hezbollah, he rejected the idea. “Ask anyone, they will tell you the same thing. They [Palestinian extremists] are out beating Iranians in the streets… The more we gave this arrogant race, the more they want… [But] we will not let them push us around in our own country.”
Official government radio reports refuse such claims by stating that the victims were trying to loot weapons and to vandalize public property, and had been shot by unidentified gunmen.
This raises a larger question.
Why would Hamas, a Sunni terrorist organization, be involved in supporting the regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Shiite mullahs?
The union between the two terrorist groups was brought about not by a charismatic caliph or an ecumenical imam but rather by former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
In December 1992, Mr. Rabin ordered the deportation of 415 members of Hamas to southern Lebanon.
In Lebanon, the Sunni terrorists of Hamas were granted shelter and protection by the Shi’ite terrorists of Hezbollah in accordance with the Muslim code of milmastia (hospitality).
The exiled Sunnis responded to this gesture of goodwill by assisting the efforts of their Shi’ite hosts to gain a foothold within Israel – something that Hezbollah had been unable to achieve, since the Islamic population of Israel remained almost entirely Sunni and actively antagonistic to the presence of a Shi’ite party within the waaf (“the land of Palestine”).
Other developments followed. Hezbollah began to train Hamas in advanced bomb-making techniques along with the fine art of suicide bombing, a tactic that previously had been shunned by the Sunnis because of the Koran’s injunctions against suicide. The first Hamas suicide bombing took place within a bus station in Hadera on April 13, 1994. The attack left five people dead and a score wounded.
An onslaught of other suicide bombings followed throughout Israel in such rapid succession that it became difficult to discern if the attacks were being perpetuated by Hamas or Hezbollah.
The new spirit of cooperation between Sunni and Shi’ite terrorists resulted in a monumental meeting between Imad Mugniyah, the head of Hezbollah, and Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda in 1995 at the headquarters of ali Numeini, a Sudanese sheikh, in Khartoum.
The meeting resulted in joint operations, including the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7, 1998 bombings, according to U.S. military sources, that bore the distinct signatures of bin Laden and Mugniyah.
The same signatures could be discerned on the attack on the USS Cole on October 12, 2000. The blast had been caused by a “cone-shaped charge” that contained “moldable high explosives such as SEMTEX H.” It represented a device that had been developed by Mugniyah for terror attacks in Lebanon, Israel, and South America.
In recent years, Iran has given shelter to leading Sunni terrorists, including Saad bin Laden, Osama’s eldest son; Yaaz bin Safat, a top-ranking al Qaeda planner; Mohammed Islam Haani, the mayor of Kabul during the reign of the Taliban; Saif al-Adel, the military commander of al Qaeda; Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al Qaeda operative in charge of the expulsion of US troops from Iraq; and Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden’s second in command.
And so, for many observers of events in the Middle East, the presence of Hamas on the streets of Iran to support Ahmadinejad and the ruling mullahs comes as small surprise.
“We have been screaming at them [White House officials] for years that these guys all work together,” am overseas operative told the Washington Post. “When we hear back that it can’t be because they [the terrorists] don’t work that way. That is bullshit. . . These guys all work together as long as they are Muslims. There is no other division that matters.”
The union of Sunni and Shi’ite radicals on the streets of Teheran broods ill for Israel. An attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities could trigger a backlash that would reverberate throughout the Muslim world.

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