Thursday, June 18, 2009

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Sotomayor: Exposed on Tape; Rulings Come to Light

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Sotomayor: Exposed on Tape; Rulings Come to Light
President Barack Obama, describing Sonia Sotomayor as a woman of “fierce intelligence,” called for her confirmation as America’s next Supreme Court Justice before the Senate’s August recess.

Mr. Obama says that “no one could question” Ms. Sotomayor’s intellect since she was second in her class at Princeton and served as the editor of the Yale Law Review.

But facts are coming to light to support allegations that the selection of Ms. Sotomayor represents an example of unbridled bigotry – and that the candidate would never have been chosen if she were not a Latina from the barrio.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has acquired a video tape in which Ms. Sotomayor admits that she is “an affirmative action baby” and that the admissions committee at Princeton overlooked her abysmal Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores because she was a Hispanic woman who had come from a housing project.

In the tapes, Ms. Sotomayor also admits that she could barely read when she entered the halls of ivy.

To get up to speed, Ms. Sotomayor was advised to read children’s classics (including The Cat in the Hat, Charlotte’s Web, and Winnie the Pooh) and to study elementary school grammar books during her summers.

Yale, too, opted to overlook Ms. Sotomayor’s poor standardized test scores in order to grant her admission to its LawSchool.

Commenting on Ms. Sotomayor’s intellectual acumen, John Yoo, a former Justice Department attorney who distinguished himself on the question of the torture of Gitmo detainees, maintains that she was picked strictly because of her race and lacks the intelligence to sit on the bench between Justices Samuel Alito and John Roberts.

Jeffrey Rosen, a columnist for The New Republic, quoted un-named sources as saying that Ms. Sotomayor is “not that smart.”

If Ms. Sotomayor’s intelligence remains beyond the border of questioning by the Senate Judiciary Committee, attention should be drawn to her questionable performance as a judge – a position to which she had been appointed by President George H. W. Bush.
Of her six decisions that came before the Supreme Court, five were reversed. In the sixth, the court disagreed with Sotomayor’s reasoning. Her overturned rulings were as follows:

* Sotomayor ruled that an inmate could sue a private corporation for injuries he suffered in a halfway house.
* Sotomayor decided convicted felons the right to vote in an attempt to overthrow existing New York state law.
* Sotomayor wrote an opinion that reversed a district court decision that a Muslim inmate’s rights were not violated when he was denied a holiday feast. Sotomayor argued that the inmate’s First Amendment rights were violated because the feast was important to his religion.
* Sotomayor dissented in a decision to dismiss a case in which a black student claimed his school discriminated against him by transferring him mid-year from first grade to kindergarten. Sotomayor argued that the “lone black child” in the class was not given an “equal chance.”
* Sotomayer wrote an opinion holding that the Environmental Protection Agency could not perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine the “best technology available.”
* Sotomayor threw out evidence obtained by police in a drug case, because a detective had not followed proper procedure in obtaining the search warrant.

Such rulings have prompted Wendy Wright, president of the Concerned Women for America, to urge legislators to “pause and take a good look” at Judge Sotomayor’s record.

In the light of such dubious decisions, why was Ms. Sotomayer chosen as Mr. Obama’s first Supreme Court Justice?

The answer is simple.

She is Latina. If she were a lily-white Methodist from Mississippi, she would not be granted the slightest consideration by Mr. Obama, and the press would be roasting her (á la Harriet Meyers) as a no-account nincompoop.

The race card, it appears, trumps all other considerations, even a candidate’s IQ and judicial record of favoring jailbirds and Jihadis.

But race in this case does not work in Ms. Sotomayor’s favor.

If confirmed, she will not be the nation’s first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice. This distinction belongs to Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, U. S. Supreme Court Justice from 1932-1938, a Sephardi Jew of Spanish ancestry.

What’s more, Ms. Sotomayor is not only a beneficiary of racist policies, including Affirmative Action, but she also represents a real, unmitigated racist. She has served as a member of the National Council of La Raza. La Raza is the Latino answer to the KKK.
La Raza teaches that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of WashingtonState make up an area known as “Aztlan” — a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. These areas belong to the Latinos and Latinas and must be surrendered to “La Raza” once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, come to constitute a majority, as in Los Angeles. Once this is achieved, the current borders of the United States will simply be obliterated.

But the “reconquista” won’t end with territorial occupation and secession. The final plan for the La Raza movement includes the ethnic cleansing of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of “Aztlan.”

Miguel Perez, a La Raza spokesman at Cal State-Northridge, has been quoted as saying: “The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest [to it]. Once Aztlan is established, ethnic cleansing would commence: Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled — opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power.”

And so, the new Supreme Court appointee and self-professed advocate of La Raza approves of the reformation of the United States, the creation of a separate Chicano country, and widespread ethnic cleansing.

This assertion may not raise conservative eyebrows, let alone Christian opposition to Sotomayor’s ascendancy to the Supreme Court, save for the fact that La Raza and other Latino activist groups have expressed widespread anti-Jewish sentiments and support for radical Islam. This finding is supported by articles in “The Voice of Aztlan” with such lurid titles as “That Shitty Little Country Israel,” “Pat Tillman Got What Was coming to Him,” and “Osama bin Laden: the ‘Pancho Villa’ of Islam.”

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