Monday, June 8, 2009

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Taking Obama & Mainstream Media Seriously Gets More Difficult By the Day

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Taking Obama & Mainstream Media Seriously Gets More Difficult By the Day

Look, I understand blind, fawning fanaticism and as well as the next guy, but I am beginning to think that you might have to be mentally unstable to take either Barack Obama or the mainstream media seriously at this point.
Selective Outrage is Pathetic

As Michelle Malkin points out, two Arkansas military recruiters
are murdered by a vigilante, black, Muslim convert who hates the military and hates America, and our Abraham Lincoln wannabe leader is so silent you can hear integrity drop, waiting several days before he makes a brief statement that ignores many of the key elements of the case. However, have a white Christian vigilante murder notorious abortionist George Tiller and both the media and their darling leader nearly pass out in outrage. What is wrong with this picture?
Sadly, nothing, because you cannot get more despicably hypocritical and selectively absurd than this. It is par for the course in this new America that both Obama and his pet media pretend exists. It is an America where Obama can wail and lament in one instance over precisely what he ignores in another. It is an America where his geisha media are so busy praising, adoring, and agreeing with him that there is no time left to explain why they usually look about as ridiculously biased as he does.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words For Sure
If hypocritically selective outrage over two similar events biased by a desire to demonize opponents and ignore blemishes on one’s agenda does not suit your fancy, perhaps you enjoy speaking out of both sides of the mouth.
Here we have our fearless fake waxing over choosing someone who will objectively uphold and respect the law while he chooses Sonia Sotomayor, who is to reverse discrimination what Bill Maher is to ignorant big mouths. Here we have our dean of doublespeak droning on about fiscal restraint, free choice, and unity, all while doing just the opposite on issues such as the economy, union membership and opponents of his views. This man speaks out of both sides of his mouth with such ease that one can seriously envision him drinking a tall glass of water while reading his book, whose title could have simply been trimmed to Audacity with no harm to accuracy.
The Gushing Geishas and Fawning Fanatics
I am not sure what is more pathetic: the fact that Barack Obama can proclaim precisely the opposite of what he does like brushing his teeth or that his pet media is so busy at his feet that their adoration is getting embarrassing. At no point have they criticized or even pointed out all of the above inconsistencies between what our highness of hypocrisy says and does, criticizes and pursues or laments and promotes. What is wrong with this picture? Sadly, nothing, because if the election that got us this situation proved anything, it is that Barack Obama did not have to bring a dog to the White House to have a First Pet to go with the First Family, First Lady and First Kids. No, Obama already had a First Pet, and that pooch wears media credentials.
Obama could make a speech in front of The Lincoln Memorial wearing nothing but a top hat while speaking out against public nudity and this media would fawn over how good he looks in a top hat.
A leftist, black Muslim who uses the American flag as a handkerchief could murder five soldiers and five conservatives and you could hear grasshoppers snoring in front of the White House or media stations. Let that murderer be wearing a crucifix and Obama and media associate, Inc. would consider building a coliseum and renting lions to entertain liberals thirsty for Christian bashing.
What is wrong with this picture? Sadly, nothing, and that is what is really wrong with this picture.

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