Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lawyers call prosecution of ACORN politically motivated - News -

Lawyers call prosecution of ACORN politically motivated - News -

ACORN is playing the victim card in it's criminal defense of all things that it is a politically motivated attack! NOTHING could be further from the truth. ACORN promotes only democrats and is being charged by a democrat. ACORN although government funded and is required to be non partisan has openly favored democrats since it's inception. Recently the leader of ACORN was asked who if any republican candidate ACORN ever supported and the man could NOT answer with one name. Although during the presidential election ACORN Chief Organizer bertha Lewis endorses Obama!

Lawyers for the grassroots community organizing group ACORN and its regional director blasted the state's prosecution of the group, calling it politically motivated.

Attorney Lisa Rasmussen, who represents the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, said Wednesday that the group has been working hard to reduce voter disparities in Nevada.

"The politically motivated charges, such as those brought by the attorney general and secretary of state, just highlight the voter registration system that is broken," she said.

The state Attorney General's office accuses ACORN of improperly registering voters by requiring canvassers to meet quotas, which resulted in "garbage" registrations. Besides the organization, the attorney general has also charged the group's former field director, Chris Edwards, and its regional director for voter registration, Amy Busefink, with felonies.

Edwards and Busefink appeared in court Wednesday for a brief hearing before Las Vegas Justice of the Peace William Jansen. The defendants are expected back in court on July 15.

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