Here is a link of some really stupid quotes from the media.
How far have they slipped over the edge in reporting .. it is no longer telling Americans what we need to hear, they are selling us a socialist state.
The freedom of the press was made to protect American's from a corrupt government, now the media has become it's greatest salesman, corruption and all.
Obama 'Like God,' Palin 'Like Herpes' and Sotomayor No Liberal
Vol 22, No. 13
June 15, 2009 08:49 ET
“Brave” Obama Stands “Like God” Above All of Us
— Newsweek’s Evan Thomas on Inside Washington, June 7. [Audio/video (0:29): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
— Thomas to host Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball, June 5. [Audio/video (0:37): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
Linking Limbaugh with Holocaust Museum Killer
Salon’s Joan Walsh: “Well, I wonder too, especially in the wake of the murder of Dr. George Tiller who performed abortions....I want to be very careful here Chris. The only people responsible are the people who pulled the triggers....However, I don’t think you can deny that there is a rising climate of right-wing hate, a lot of it directed at Obama....There is a very disturbing and disturbed element of political discourse. And I would throw in Rush Limbaugh. Not blaming him, but when you say that our President is more dangerous than al-Qaeda, you’ve gone off into crazy nut job land. You are off the charts crazy. And you are whipping people up.”
— Discussing the shooting hours earlier at Washington, D.C.’s Holocaust Museum on MSNBC’s Hardball, June 10. [Audio/video (1:58): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
Journalists Swept Away By Professor Obama’s Amazing Lecture
Anchor Anderson Cooper: “Wait a minute. The most powerful...and most persuasive ever, you say, to the Muslim world?”
Gergen: “Ever by, yes, by any American President to the Muslim populations around the world.”
— CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, June 4.
“Powerful, far-ranging speech this morning that President Obama has delivered in Cairo....He was not only presidential, he was also professorial. He was very much a teacher this morning. He was giving Americans and Muslims a history lesson.”
— Co-host Harry Smith on CBS’s The Early Show, June 4.
“This is going to be a speech that is going to be talked about for a long time....It has been very comprehensive. And very thoughtful and historic.”
— ABC’s Chris Cuomo on Good Morning America, June 4.
Helping Ignorant Americans “Understand” Terrorism
— ABC’s Chris Cuomo to Gamal Mubarak, son of the Egyptian president, in an interview shown on Good Morning America, June 4.
Israelis Are the New Nazis?
“What can the Israelis learn from your visit to [the Nazi concentration camp] Buchenwald? And what should they be thinking about their treatment of Palestinians?”
— Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw interviewing President Obama on Today, June 5.
Eleanor Flabbergasted by Criticism of Obama
Publisher Mort Zuckerman: “You’re darn right he is....No other country in history, I think, has expended as much treasure and blood to try and preserve democracy and freedom in the world.”...
Radio host Monica Crowley: “It is not an appropriate exercise of American presidential leadership. I am sick and tired of this man running down his country when he’s on foreign soil.”...
Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift: “He is saying things that the rest of the world says about us all the time....Until I came on this set, I heard nothing but rave reviews for this speech. I feel like I’m in a total parallel reality.”
— Talking about Obama’s speech to Muslims on the McLaughlin Group, June 6.
Listen to Palin, Gingrich, or “Stick Needles in Your Eyes”?
Anchor Wolf Blitzer: “What do you think, Jack? You want to listen to Palin or Gingrich deliver a speech?”
Cafferty: “I’m not interested in listening to either one of them.”
— Exchange on CNN’s The Situation Room, June 9, talking about Palin and Gingrich’s appearance at a Republican fundraiser the previous evening. [Audio/video (0:34): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
Sarah Palin “Is Very Much Like Herpes”
Comedian Chuck Nice: “Yeah, she’s a maverick!...And I’m going to say this, and please don’t take it the way it sounds. But, Sarah Palin to the GOP, this is what I’ve got to say: She is very much like herpes — she’s not going away. Okay? That’s it.”
— Exchange on NBC’s Today, June 9. [Audio/video (0:35): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
Slamming “Hypocrite” Cheney for Daring to Oppose Obama
Former Vice President Dick Cheney: “I think it was a sound decision to make. I think it was an important part of our overall strategy in the global war on terror. I think it saved lives.”
Shuster: “It saved lives?...Your Iraq war inflamed the Muslim world, bred a new generation of terrorists who hate America and cost the lives of over 4,000 U.S. soldiers. When you of all people claim the Obama administration is making America less safe, that’s hypocrisy and it’s wrong.”
— “Hypocrisy Watch” segment during the 4pm ET hour of MSNBC Live, June 2. [Audio/video (0:36): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
Sotomayor’s No Liberal — Even If She Says She Is
Liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Cynthia Tucker: “As Claire just said, her opinions don’t show — she is certainly liberal, she’s called herself ‘liberal’ — but she’s nobody’s knee-jerk radical.”
— ABC’s This Week, June 7. [Audio/video (0:20): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
Sotomayor “Must Pay” for Telling “the Truth” about White Male Inferiority
“If you are not white, you have to be careful what you say. You cannot hint that you may actually know more than white people....Sotomayor told the truth in 2001, and now she must pay for it....She must do what nonwhite people have been taught to do in this country: She must watch her mouth.”
— Politico writer Roger Simon, a longtime correspondent for the Baltimore Sun and U.S. News & World Report, in a June 4 column about Sotomayor’s 2001 statement that “a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male.”
Time Touts America’s Muppet-in-Chief
“It’s not just his age and mastery of the alphabet that make Obama the first Sesame Street President. The Obama presidency is a wholly American fusion of optimism, enterprise and earnestness — rather like the far-fetched proposal of 40 years ago to create a TV show that would prove that educational television need not be an oxymoron....Sesame Street’s genius lies in finding gentle ways to talk about hard things — death, divorce, danger — in terms that children understand and accept. The polls can tell a President what the American people want to hear, but after so many years of sandbox politics and childish games, there comes a time to grow up....Professor Obama has at least talked to us like we’re adults.”
— Time’s Nancy Gibbs writing in the magazine’s June 15 edition.
NBC Anchor’s Slam on Bush Too Much Even for Obama
President Barack Obama: “Well, you know, I’m not sure that it’s true that President Bush couldn’t have given a speech in the Muslim world.”
— NBC Nightly News, June 2.
NBC Too Sycophantic Even For Liberal Moyers
Clip of NBC’s Brian Williams: “People react strongly to this President. We’ve seen people moved to tears after just the briefest encounter with him.”
Moyers: “As for an exclusive revelation about your government from behind the White House’s closed doors, well, hold your breath, here it comes....”
Williams, from special: “There are apples everywhere. Orchards worth of them in bowls throughout the building. They are meant, of course, to promote healthy eating but what we saw more often is this: the West Wing may lead the western world in candy consumption.”
White House staffer, from special: “These are official White House M&Ms.”
Moyers: “Now, I’ve been there, done that and got the tie clip. I can tell you this is the kind of Valentine every White House press secretary yearns to hand the boss. And it’s not all that hard to achieve, because many of our watchdogs are as housebroken as Bo the White House puppy.”
— PBS’s Bill Moyers Journal, June 5.
NBC Suggests Bill O’Reilly Fed Abortionist’s Murder
Randall Terry: “He [Dr. George Tiller] was a mass murderer. He sowed death. And then he reaped death in a horrifying way.”
Shamlian: “On the Internet, questions from critics of commentator Bill O’Reilly about his blunt remarks regarding abortion and Dr. Tiller.”
Clip of Bill O’Reilly from Fox News: “In the state of Kansas there is a doctor, George Tiller, who will execute babies for $5,000.”
— NBC Nightly News coverage of the murder of a doctor who performed late-term abortions, June 1.
50,000,000 Babies Aborted Since ’73 — But Now It “Turns Deadly”?
“The abortion debate turns deadly. A doctor known for performing late-term abortions gunned down at church.”
— ABC’s Diane Sawyer teasing a segment on abortion doctor’s murder, June 1 Good Morning America. National Right to Life calculates 49,551,703 abortions have been performed in the U.S. since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.
“Painful” Budget Cuts Because It’s “Virtually Impossible” to Raise Taxes
— ABC correspondent Laura Marquez on the June 2 World News with Charles Gibson.
“The Greatest President in History”
Fill-in host Joy Behar: “What do you think of Obama’s pick of Sotomayor?”
Leary: “Fantastic!”
Behar: “You love her?”
Leary: “Everything you ask me about President Obama I’m just going to say it’s the greatest thing ever. I love the guy!”
— Exchange on CNN’s Larry King Live, May 29. [Audio/video (0:27): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
Ronald Reagan: The Cruel “Moses” of “Greedy White Men”
— Comedian and former CNN host D. L. Hughley on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, June 5. [Audio/video (1:17): Windows Media | MP3 audio]
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