Saturday, July 11, 2009

No child left inside?

No child left inside?
Ok, now that I have stopped laughing so hard I could not see to type…. Democrats have come up with a piece of legislation which, in light of their pro Abortion stance, is absolutely hysterical in a macabre sort of way.

Democrat positions on Abortion have led to the lives of 49,551,703 babies being ended, and now they come up with legislation named…. Wait for it….”No child left inside”. I kid you not!

Ok, so its legislation pointed at indoctrinating our children in public schools with environmental brainwashing, still, the irony of the name is just too much to pass up!

H.R. 2054: The No Child Left Inside Act of 2009 proposes to allocate 500 Million dollars over 5 years towards educating school children about ….wait for it… the outside.

You heard it. You know that place, where they have parks, and monkey bars, where the ice cream man hangs out. Where a person can reach out and pick a flower… yea that outside, where the wind is naturally generated and doesn’t move because of a fan. That place. I sure hope they teach them not to look at that real bright thing up in the sky… what’s that called?? Oh yea the sun… because there is this rumor that it can hurt your eyes… but don't worry, it has nothing to do with the environment...

Alright seriously here, this is not a federal issue. This issue allong with the “No child left behind” act should have been done at the local State level. There is nothing in the US Constitution that gives the Federal Government the right or the power to dictate to states what and how to educate its children. We have been asleep at the wheel and let it happen however, and now that the precedent has been set, we are moving closer to a Federal government which makes the State governments more irrelevant every day. Eventually if this trend continues, the States will be little more than counties in a large federal system, dependent on it for funding as well as its laws and regulations.

The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves.

At what point did we decide that regional groups of people, perfectly capable of making life choices for themselves and their children, should not be able to make those decisions any longer? At what point did we decide that those who inhabit Washington DC were so much smarter than the rest of us, that they should make all our decisions for us? Perhaps we simply didn’t stop it from happening, as a society we were just too busy living our lives and paying our bills and taxes to really read what it is our legislators were writing, until it was too late and they were signed into law. Its past time for the Representatives we hired to fight for our rights were fired. It is patently obvious they aren't working for us.

Legislators like David Wu, told us “I am going to Washington DC for you!” only to go and write policies which act in the disinterest of the State and people of Oregon. At what point did David Wu and his colleagues decide that their word was not their bond and that was morally acceptable to sell out the state’s right to make educational choices for itself? The moment we re-elected him, and that has got to be the very first thing we change.

Was it the money from the Environmental lobbyists, who are indeed pushing for this legislation in order to indoctrinate our kids further in their mantras? No one is arguing that the environment isn’t important. Not at all, the issue here is whether this should be a state run issue or a federal one. When this Nation was founded it was done with the intent that each state, each region would be able to control its own resources and assets, as well as educating its own children. This legislation, wrapped up in its shiny ribbons, erodes the State’s rights, and instead dictates to them what and how to teach. The Federal Government was not designed to have the power to do this.

Another reason to be concerned about this legislation is the people who are pushing it; the environmental lobby's behind this are the same people supporting, no ramming, the Cap and Tax legislation down everyone’s throats. Laughably, during a period where the earth’s climate is clearly cooling! This from Scripps News:

“-- June in Manhattan averaged 67.5 degrees Fahrenheit, 3.7 degrees below normal -- the coldest average since 1958. The National Weather Service stated July 1: "The last time that Central Park hit 85 in May...but not in June was back in 1903."

-- In Phoenix, June's high temperatures were below 100 degrees for 15 days straight, the first such June since 1913. In California's desert, Yucca Valley's June average was 83.5, 8.5 degrees below normal. Downtown Los Angeles averaged 74.5 degrees, five below normal.

-- Boston saw temperatures 4.7 degrees below normal. "This is the second coldest average high temp since 1872," veteran meteorologist and Weather Channel alumnus Joseph D'Aleo reports at "It has been so cool and so cloudy that trees in northern New England are starting to show colors that normally first appear in September." Looking abroad, D'Aleo noted: "Southern Brazil had one of the coldest Junes in decades, and New Zealand has had unusual cold and snow again this year."

-- New Zealand's National Climate Centre issued a June 2 press release headlined, "Temperature: Lowest Ever For May For Many Areas, Colder Than Normal For All."”

Not only is our federal government buying into the patently false theory of global warming, it is has passed Daisy Cutter style legislation that will double if not triple your cost of living inside a year. And now it’s clear they want to indoctrinate our kids in the Global Warming lie.

Thanks David Wu, for your yes vote on the Cap and Tax bill you didn’t even read, and for co-sponsoring legislation to indoctrinate our kids in it. Wu isn’t working for us, he is working for the environmental lobby supporting his reelection campaign. The anger being expressed at Wu's town hall meetings is apparently not being heeded by the Representative. He continues to rubber-stamp the liberal agenda, despite mounting evidence that his constituents are against it.

This State desperately needs a fiscal conservative with some sense! There is some hope on that front; Stephen Brodhead has entered the race for Wu’s district. Fiscal conservatism is desperately needed in Washington DC where Federal spending and interference in States rights has slipped the leash and is out of control.

It is far past time that the brakes were put on congress. It starts with retiring those responsible for it.

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