Friday, July 3, 2009

Olbermann Watch - MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Deadbeat Olbermann Fails to Pay New York Taxes, State Issues Warrant

Olbermann Watch - MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Deadbeat Olbermann Fails to Pay New York Taxes, State Issues Warrant

New York State has issued a tax warrant against Keith Olbermann for failure to pay taxes on his humbly named personal corporation, Olbermann Broadcasting Empire, Inc. Olbermann is listed in legal records as the President of Olbermann Broadcasting Empire, Inc.

A call to the Albany County Clerk's Office in upstate New York confirmed that the warrant is still outstanding and that Olbermann has still failed to pay his back taxes. State records show that Olbermann's company failed to pay $2,269.50 in state taxes. A judgement was entered against Olbermann last summer (Docket Date: 8/21/2007), just weeks before Olbermann closed on a a luxurious $4.2 mm condo at Trump Palace, at 200 East 69th Street.

NYS Tax Warrant for Olbermann.jpg

Keith Olbermann joins fellow comedian Al Franken on the list of prominent liberals who love to raise YOUR taxes but do everything in the power to avoid paying their own. Franken, running for the Democratic nomination for Senate in Minnesota was nailed two months ago for failing to pay his taxes. That report let to further investigations which turned up numerous examples of Franken skipping out on tax bills across 19 states for an amount totaling over $70,000. Franken was also fined $25,000 for failure to pay into state Workers Compensation fund. Minnesota Democrats Exposed has all the goods on Franken here.

NOTE TO READERS: The Franken case initially involved one tax lien in one state but quickly mushroomed to cover 19 states. Any help we can get in searching local tax warrant databases in other states is appreciated. Send along any other tax liens against Olbermann or his front companies and we will add them here.

UPDATE: Looks like we may have some more tax problems for Olbermann to report on tomorrow. We've got some leads but need to confirm with two state tax agencies.

Reader Tim reminds us that earlier this month Keith was defending fellow left-wing comedian Al Franken (by attacking Bill O'Reilly...a twofer):

Admonishing Bill, Olby said "if you say Franken owes 70,000 dollars in back taxes, you're lying. Franken paid the taxes. In fact, he overpaid the taxes. He just didn't pay them to the correct states. A traveling performer, like a comedian or lecturer or ball player, has to pay income tax everywhere he has a gig or game and Franken's accountant misled him on that. So he paid the taxes, but he paid them to Minnesota, and now he's paying them again to the other states. And you're a cheesy liar, Bill."

Except that Franken kept changing his story and also ended up getting slapped with a $25,000 fine for failing to pay into the workman's comp fund (irony for the friend of the working man, right?). Whatever excuse Keith wants to make for Franken, Keith's tax warrant is STILL outstanding as of this moment and Keith is not a performer or ball player. So what's your excuse Keith? Did your accountant "mislead" you?

UPDATE: Olbermann Tax Woes Mount, Extends to California, total now over $100,000

UPDATE: Mark Levin Cites Olbermann Watch, Reports on Keith's Tax Cheating

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