People I am begging each and every reader. Do not confront the people who firmly stand behind Obama because he is black. They will never wake up and admit that they have made a mistake if constantly backed into a wall. They made a big mistake in backing Obama for what ever reason, probably because he was the "Anti-Bush" and a product of very clever marketing.
But it is always hard to admit that a mistake was made regardless. Instead try to encourage them to stop congress from this wasteful spending that is accomplishing the exact opposite of what we need now.
Republicans are using today’s report on further U.S. job losses and the highest unemployment rate, 9.5%, in 25 years to criticize President Barack Obama’s administration on its fiscal policies.
(For more on the job losses, read this WSJ story.)
“It’s time for Democrats to admit that more spending, more taxes, and more reckless borrowing isn’t ‘change,” House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said in a statement. “That’s the same failed formula that has cost Americans their jobs in the past, and it’s costing them their jobs once again.” Boehner also released a Web video today criticizing the stimulus. “Washington keeps spending your money, but jobs keep disappearing,” the video states.
The House Republican campaign operation is using the report to question the $787 billion economic stimulus package approved earlier this year—a sentiment echoed by conservatives. “After five months of the so-called stimulus, Americans are left with just one question: where are the jobs?” said Georgia GOP Rep. Tom Price, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, a group of House conservatives.
“June’s unemployment report shows a job loss of 467,000 and proves that the stimulus package is not a ‘Recovery Act,” said Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. “With the unemployment rate now at 9.5% and continuing to rise, Americans need real solutions that help them find work – not bigger government, higher taxes, increased federal spending and an unsustainable national debt.”
Republicans see benefits in criticizing the Obama administration and congressional Democrats on spending and fiscal issues, including the widening deficit, as more Americans cite the deficit as a concern. That message was thrown off last week by South Carolina GOP Gov. Mark Sanford, who admitted to an extramarital affair and captured national media attention. But today’s jobs report has provided the GOP the opportunity to refocus their message.
In an interview with Bloomberg television last month the president conceded that unemployment could hit 10%. Obama has consistently warned that economic recovery will take time and has appealed to Americans for patience.
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