American Thinker Blog: Obama's misleading statements on health care for illegals: "This is part and parcel of the White House strategy on selling health care reform; ask people to put blinders on so that the intended/unintended effects of his health care reform proposals are ignored.
Case in point; everyone with an ounce of intelligence can see that Obama's proposals for reform will include health care for illegal aliens - even though it is not specifically written into any proposed bill. It will simply be the consequence of a government takeover of health care.
Here's Obama yesterday on the Michael Smerconish radio show:
'This has been an example of just pure misinformation out there. None of the bills that have been voted on in Congress, and none of the proposals coming out of the White House propose giving coverage to illegal immigrants - none of them. That has never been on the table; nobody has discussed it. So everybody who is listening out there, when you start hearing that somehow this is all designed to provide health insurance to illegal immigrants, that is simply not true and has never been the case.'"
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