Sunday, August 23, 2009

Competition lacking among private health insurers - Yahoo! News

Competition lacking among private health insurers - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – One of the most widely accepted arguments against a government medical plan for the middle class is that it would quash competition — just what private insurers seem to be doing themselves in many parts of the U.S.

Several studies show that in lots of places, one or two companies dominate the market. Critics say monopolistic conditions drive up premiums paid by employers and individuals.

For Democrats, the answer is a public plan that would compete with private insurers. Republicans see that as a government power grab. President Barack Obama looks to be trapped in the middle of an argument that could sink his effort to overhaul the health care system.

Even lawmakers opposed to a government plan have problems with the growing clout of the big private companies.

'There is a serious problem with the lack of competition among insurers,' said Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, one of the highest-cost states. 'The impact on the consumer is significant.'"

Again I say, instead of government controlled health care allow insurance companies to compete instead of regulating them and keeping them isolated. FREE MARKET solutions.

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