Monday, August 31, 2009

David Montes: Restoring the republic to our founders' vision - Silver City Sun-News

David Montes: Restoring the republic to our founders' vision - Silver City Sun-News: "I would like to elaborate on some of the points made by Thomas Wark in his Aug. 24 column. He says that the candidate who raises the most money always wins. But both Bush's last and Obama's campaign raised much, if not most of their money from grass-roots donations under $100. So the people 'voted' with their pocketbooks before their ballots. Plus, Obama raised absurdly more money than McCain, yet still only won by 53 percent.

But Wark focuses his column on the topic of government corruption: 'legislation is written by people called lobbyists, who are paid handsomely to shape the law of the land to the will of the oligarchs who really run the country.' People complain about lobbyists who basically bribe elected officials, but never stop to question why lobbyists exist in the first place. The fact is, if the government and its legislators would not interfere in the lives of private citizens, there would be no 'need' for lobbyists. But because the government engages in unconstitutional meddling in the market, lobbyists are hired to make exemptions from the rules.

When the government interferes with business, is it any surprise business will interfere with government? And it's not just corporations. Unions also spend millions on lobbyists; Greenpeace, and nonprofits like ACORN and Planned Parenthood receive mass"

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