Monday, August 24, 2009

Health Care: Let The War Begin « NEOAVATARA

Health Care: Let The War Begin « NEOAVATARA: "Rumors out of Washington are saying that the Democrats, who feel their chance for socialized medicine is slipping away, are ready to ‘go it alone‘ and possibly even use reconciliation to pass what they want.

I say, let the fight begin.

We all knew this day was coming since election day 2008. This was the day that Barack Obama finally admitted that he lied to the American people. He was never a post partisan. In fact, he was the opposite…he may be the most partisan President in recent history. Yes, more partisan than Bill Clinton…and George W. Bush.

By admitting defeat so quickly, the Democrats are basically admitting their own incompetence. This was not some grand opposition of the minority party…this was failure to coalesce their own party. It is moderates in the Hosue, and moderates in the Senate, that are causing the most roadblocks to the Democrats dream of a single payer health care system. Republicans have had virtually no voice on the matter whatsoever.

If Democrats are willing to do this, and not just ignore the rules that protect the minority party but also give voice to half of this country’s population, I say go ahead. This will once and for all prove what liberals are. They are not interested in democratic voices. Their arrogance and elitism makes them bel"

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