Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Health Care Mantra for the GOP | NBC Bay Area

A Health Care Mantra for the GOP | NBC Bay Area: "With Democrats divided on key parts of health-care reform, Republicans can push the teetering enterprise over the edge.

House liberals reached full-fledged revolt when word began to spread last week that President Obama was okay with a bill coming out of the Senate without a public insurance option. New York politicians took the lead in firing back that the so-called public option remained essential to reform. Sen. Chuck Schumer pushed the notion that Democrats had 60 members and could vote on a bill -- one that included the public option -- despite each Republican voting no. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) has been showing up everywhere, making the case that expanding Medicare is one public option that works.

This is where Republicans should swoop in, building on their summer successes.

The GOP has managed to put Democrats on the defensive throughout most of August. The town hall meetings kept members of Congress off balance. Meanwhile, the president seems like a character in a cartoon trying to prevent the dam from bursting: No sooner does Obama think he has one portion of the Democratic base under control than criticism arises from somewhere else."

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