The New Media Journal | Health Care Reform Bills Won't Verify Citizenship Status: "The health care reform bills Congress is considering would not require people who sign up for government health care programs to verify their eligibility. That opens the door for millions of illegal aliens and other non-citizens to receive medical services paid for by taxpayers, a panel of experts from the conservative Center for Immigration Studies and The Heritage Foundation said Wednesday.
“This takes an unprecedented step in opening up the US welfare system to illegal immigrants,” Robert Rector, senior fellow on domestic policy at The Heritage Foundation, told an audience at the National Press Club in Washington.
“We have had a system of identity checks that largely prevents adult illegal immigrants from getting onto these means-tested welfare programs,” Rector added.
Title II, Subtitle C, Section 246 of the House health care bill (H.R. 3200) stipulates “no federal payment for undocumented aliens.” The Senate bill states that beneficiaries of federal health care programs must be a citizen or national or an alien lawfully admitted to the United States.
But neither bill has a provision for verifying citizenship status, according to these experts."
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