Monday, August 24, 2009

NewsReal Sunday: False Prophet– Greenpeace’s Apocalyptic Prediction Bites the Dust « NewsReal Blog

NewsReal Sunday: False Prophet– Greenpeace’s Apocalyptic Prediction Bites the Dust « NewsReal Blog: "Remember James G. Watt? He was Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of the Interior. A Westerner who believed the country’s resources should be wisely used, not hoarded. This was an abrupt reversal of the trend under Nixon and Carter in which millions of acres were put under the control of the federal government annually, and the definition of “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act had broadened beyond all meaning.

Enraged environmentalists finally settled on a line of attack towards Watt that had little to do with his (and Reagan’s) policies, which most Americans would consider common sense if they bothered with the details.

Their cry was that Watt was a religious fanatic who thought Jesus was coming back at any moment, so there was no need to pass a clean environment on to future generations. A fake quote was even circulated—which was repeated in the media in their lead stories but retracted far less prominently–claiming Watt said that Jesus would return when the last tree was felled."

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