Sunday, August 23, 2009

Obama camp plants fake doc, Che fan at Jackson Lee forum : Lone Star Times

Obama camp plants fake doc, Che fan at Jackson Lee forum : Lone Star Times

As Obama calls for his HONEST DIALOG lets not forget who is the one lying!

I was reading the Chron’s piece about Sheila Jackson Lee’s town hall, when something caught my eye:

One supporter, Dr. Roxana Mayer, a physician who does not live in Jackson Lee’s district, praised the reform plan for overhauling a broken system.

“I don’t know what there is in the bill that creates such panic,” she said.

In this video, Mayer claims to be a general practitioner, eliciting applause and even a hug from Queen Sheila:

I’m not sure why, but something didn’t smell right. So my colleagues and I did a little digging, and wouldn’t you know it? Roxana Mayer is, like, totally not a doctor.

But she is an Obama campaign volunteer.

Our own David Jennings secured a phone interview, in which Mayer admitted to impersonating a physician, saying — get this — she thought it would help her credibility. (It didn’t.)

Now here’s where it spins off into a whole new dimension of weird. See the bug-eyed woman seated behind not-doctor Mayer?

Look familiar?

Yes, that little ray of sunshine, who accompanied Mayer to the meeting, is none other than Maria Isabel, the unhinged moonbat who ran a Barack Obama campaign office, complete with Che Guevara flag.

Hell, she’s even wearing the exact same outfit she wore the last time we mocked her!

A word of advice to budding political operatives: when you need two plants, try to pick people smarter than actual plants.

This isn’t brain surgery.

[Hat-tips: Bryan Thome (video), David Jennings, Kevin Whited]

The ChronBlog has updated their original article without noting that they were negligent in reporting.

The original text:

Some attendees at the meeting spoke in favor of the plan, go so far as to want a system where the government had complete control.

One supporter, Dr. Roxana Mayer, a physician who does not live in Jackson Lee’s district, praised the reform plan for overhauling a broken system.

“I don’t know what there is in the bill that creates such panic,” she said.

Another supporter, Robbie Evans, concurred: “The United States pays more for health care than all the other industrial countries put together.”

The revised text:

Some attendees at the meeting spoke in favor of the plan, go so far as to want a system where the government had complete control.

One supporter, Roxana Mayer, praised the reform plan for overhauling a broken system.

“I don’t know what there is in the bill that creates such panic,” she said.

Mayer identified herself as a physician who does not live in Jackson Lee’s district. However, her name does not appear in the database maintained by the Texas Medical Board, which licenses all doctors in Texas.

Another supporter, Robbie Evans, concurred: “The United States pays more for health care than all the other industrial countries put together.”

Good grief, the reporters at the ChronBlog have no shame. And Patterico caught them changing the caption on their picture without noting the correction:

UPDATE: Another shot of the Queen and her fake doctor.

Queen Sheila listens to her fake OFA  doctor.

Queen Sheila listens to her fake OFA doctor.

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