Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama Website, NEA Caught Making Devastating Political Gaffes

Obama Website, NEA Caught Making Devastating Political Gaffes: "Last week, NEA Communications Director Yosi Sergent denied claims that emails asking artists to create Obama policy art originated from his NEA office. They did. And an Obama website now features a post that calls ObamaCare opponents 'Heirs of bin Laden.'
Last week, I reported here at Digital Journal on the politicizing of the National Endowment for the Arts via NEA Communications Director Yosi Sergent. Mr. Sergent arranged a conference call on August 10th with the White House Office of Public Engagement, NEA and United We Serve to recruit artists to create art advocating controversial Obama Administration policies, including ObamaCare and Cap-and-Trade.
That news came from filmmaker/art consultant Patrick Courrielche via Brietbart's Big Hollywood website. Mr. Courrielce was a party to that call by invitation. Mr. Sergent has since publicly denied any politicization of NEA, or that the invitations to that conference call originated from him or anyone else at NEA. Mr. Sergent deferred all media inquiries to the Corporation for National and Community Service, from which Mr. Sergent claims the invitations originated.
Today, Mr. Courrielche is back at Big Hollywood with a new post, 'Update: What The NEA Says vs. Documented Facts.' In his new post, Mr. Courrielche not only refutes Mr. Sergent's claims, he provides copies of two memos emailed directly to him"

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