Push Back Until...: "Fellow Americans,
We have arrived at a point in the storied history of the United States of America where uncontrolled and irresponsible spending by Congress demands that “we, the people” no longer trust them with the future of our great nation. Therefore, we, the people must join together, determined to push back until our Senators and Representatives introduce and pass Constitutional amendments or bills that institute laws and controls that give our country back to “we, the people. We will push for these changes one at a time until our country's future has been secured. The first change will be a Constitutional amendment that caps Federal spending at 15% of our cumulative adjusted gross incomes (why?). After this change has been made, we will push back until the other issues are resolved (complete list).
So how do we convince Congress that they must pass these mandates into law? Before we get to that, we must first recognize some of the things that, by themselves, have not worked and will not work:
bullet Voting
bullet Attending tea parties
bullet Writing books
bullet Reading books
bullet Emailing, calling, or mailing our Senators and Representative
bullet Calling and/or listening to talk shows
bullet Blogging
bullet Writing letters to the editors of newspapers and magazines
bullet Venting, ranting, or raving to family, friends, radio"
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