Saturday, August 22, 2009

This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » No, we don’t think Obama is Hitler

This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » No, we don’t think Obama is Hitler: "I don’t think anyone at This Ain’t Hell thinks Obama is Hitler. I don’t think any of us has ever made the absurd comparison that any Democrat is a Nazi - however we have suffered the “Bush is Hitler” chant from the intellectually-impaired over the years.

Those who thought that Bush is Hitler should be calling Obama Hitler, too, though, since Obama hasn’t changed one thing Bush was doing - oh, except that Obama said he won’t let anyone be waterboarded. Bush didn’t say it, but no one has been waterboarded in the last five years or so - except protesters who demonstrated the process and surprisingly survived their ordeal.

That PATRIOT Act which was the main reason the Left screamed about our civil rights being rolled back is still in force and hasn’t been altered one iota. Bush wasn’t Hitler for signing it (after nearly all of Congress approved it) nor is Obama Hitler for continuing it.

A more apt comparison to Obama would be Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Obama has taken a page from Chavez’ book by using his Organizing For America, SEIU and ACORN zombies to go around the democratic process to deliver money directly to communities without input from elected officials. Chavez has entrenched himself"

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