Voters seeing through Obama's poll-tested lines about health care on The Patriot Room: "In a deliciously ironic piece, Joanthan Weisman at the Wall Street Journal talks about how the Democrats spent literally years poll-testing and trying to find just the right words and phrases to sell nationalized health care. In other words, they wanted to know how to fool enough people into thinking it was not nationalized health care. The problem is that you can call something a warm, creamy treat, but that doesn't mean it isn't still a pile of crap.
In the rhetorical battle over health care, the forces backing President Barack Obama's overhaul have spent years polling and using focus groups to find the precise language that would win over voters -- an effort that doesn't at the moment appear to be working.
When Mr. Obama told grass-roots organizers last week that the mandatory purchase of health insurance would 'be affordable, based on a sliding scale,' the phrasing precisely mirrored language that had been poll-tested and put before batteries of focus groups by Democratic consultants over the past few years.
The words had been carefully chosen in an effort to take away the rhetorical targets of health-overhaul foes and replace them with terminology that would bring ordinary Americans on board.But under steady attack from opponents using more-em"
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