Monday, August 24, 2009

Why Do They Let Obama Get Away With it? - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

Why Do They Let Obama Get Away With it? - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views): "Supposed conservative talk show host, Michael Smerconish, let President Obama lie repeatedly in last week's celebrated one-on-one interview. Obama laid his lies right out there and Smerconish didn't say a word. But the talk radio host isn't the only one to sit back and let this president get away with it. In fact, not a single soul has confronted President Obama on these out right lies that he's made a staple of his snake-oil sales pitch for heatlhcare 'reform.'

Early in the interview, Smerconish asked Obama about the fear many Americans have that deep down he really wants a single payer, socialist healthcare system, a government takeover of our healthcare. Here was the president's reply."

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