Thursday, September 3, 2009

AARP Doesn’t Deliver - HUMAN EVENTS

AARP Doesn’t Deliver - HUMAN EVENTS: "Last night, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) held a private health care “briefing” for members of the Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club in Gainesville, VA, a higher-end active retirement community. The AARP participated on the “briefing” panel. This meeting was not open to the general public, but we were there.

Connolly is a first term Democrat in a district -- as one staffer at the event described it -- as sixty percent registered Republican.

Gauging the level of questioning and the negative reaction of these seniors to the regurgitation of Democrat talking points at the event, these seniors have been studying H.R. 3200 and they overwhelmingly oppose the government takeover of health care, otherwise known as the “public option.”"

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