Thursday, September 3, 2009

Alberta picks panel to fix health rules; critics say more privatization on way - Yahoo! Canada News

Alberta picks panel to fix health rules; critics say more privatization on way - Yahoo! Canada News: "EDMONTON - Alberta is taking the first step to overhaul its health laws - including redefining public care - but Health Minister Ron Liepert stresses the move is not a stalking horse to introduce more privatization.

'Some of our provincial legislation that guides our health-care system is around 100 years old, much of it designed around the system and not the patient,' Liepert said Tuesday.

'We need a system in place that moves the patient from the bottom of an organizational chart to the top.'

Liepert announced a 16-member panel of politicians, advocates, academics and health leaders that has three months to review how the province delivers medical care. The public will have its say through an interactive website.

He said he'll make the findings public when he receives them in November.

The committee is tasked with finding a new way to define publicly funded health services under the terms of the Canada Health Act. It must also look for ways to make public services more accountable.

Liepert said it's not intended as a back-door way to increase private delivery of services under a public health umbrella - long a hot-button issue in Alberta."

As Canada realizes that public health care is too expense and it's people are becoming less enchanted with the idea, they are now switching to privatization. Why are democrats so intent on moving into a system that has failed at every turn. That they know will bankrupt the country according to the CBO reports, that they know 80% of Americans don't need or want?

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