Tuesday, September 1, 2009

American Thinker: The Lobbyists-First Healthcare Reform Bill

American Thinker: The Lobbyists-First Healthcare Reform Bill: "In the vernacular preferred by most men I know, Obamacare could be called the 'Screw-You' plan. Just about every special interest in this Country will make out like bandits, while you and I will be...well yes, I hate to say it, but here goes: we taxpayers will be royally screwed.

We pay; they play.

The special interests that elected this president are conducting multi-million dollar ad campaigns to seal the deal on Obamacare. Every one of them has had a very cushy seat at the power table where the bill was written, not on C-SPAN as candidate Obama promised, but behind closed doors.

Good ole boys, whether from Chicago or New Orleans, play ball by the same slimy rules."

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