Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bad polls? MoveOn blames the media. | Washington Examiner

Bad polls? MoveOn blames the media. | Washington Examiner: "Conservatives are usually the first to complain about the media's ideological bias -- and their narrative on the topic is very strong. Witness, for example, the way the media embraced Barack Obama's presidential campaign; his self-created autobiographical description as a high-minded reformer.

Another example: as the health care debate progresses, reporters and news anchors from every major network fall all over themselves to explain away 'misconceptions' about President Obama's health insurance reform plan. I often wonder how Bush's Social Security reform plans of 2005 would have fared if the media had run nightly segments pouncing on the disinformation spread about it.

But today, liberals are taking a turn complaining about media bias. believes the president is getting a raw deal as he pursues an expansion of government control over health care. In an email pitch sent out today, the group asserts that Obama's health plan is in fact quite popular, and that the media is to blame for the appearance that it is failing."

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