Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bipartisan plan would end ACORN electioneering - Washington Times

Bipartisan plan would end ACORN electioneering - Washington Times: "Two frequent political rivals are joining forces to pursue radical changes to the nation's voter-registration system, a bid aimed in part at eliminating massive voter drives by groups such as ACORN that last year saw people fraudulently registering under the names of cartoon characters and sports figures.

The two prominent election lawyers - who advised Sens. John Kerry and John McCain during their respective presidential campaigns - want states to place the name of every eligible citizen on the voter rolls, rather than having people affirmatively register to vote, as they do now.

Another key objective: to modernize the registration process so it no longer depends so heavily on postcards and paper forms, said officials at the Pew Center on the States, a nonpartisan group that is backing the effort.

Marc Elias, who served as Mr. Kerry's lawyer, said there is at least one point on which campaign specialists from both parties can agree: 'There ought to be a better way to do this.'"

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