Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cash for Clunkers 'inefficient,' says dealer (

Cash for Clunkers 'inefficient,' says dealer (

An owner of ten car dealerships in South Dakota and Iowa says the government's inefficient administration of the "Cash for Clunkers" program should make people think twice about backing a new government-run healthcare plan.

Billion Automotive accepted 960 clunkers that were traded in for new vehicles as part of the government's Cash for Clunkers program. Even though the Obama administration promised dealers they would be reimbursed within ten days, Billion Automotive owner Dave Billion says he has only received 28 percent of the $4 million the government owes him.

Billion estimates that 75 percent of the "clunkers" were traded in for import cars. In his opinion, the program was run poorly.

Money down the drain"I think there was an awful lot of inefficiency in their program," the auto dealer shares. "They ended up hiring an additional thousand workers when they realized that they had a problem -- [and] it probably took them a week to two weeks to train those people."

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