Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cash for Clunkers: This is What We Call Success? » The Foundry

Cash for Clunkers: This is What We Call Success? » The Foundry

Politicians are touting cash for clunkers as a successful program that has killed two birds with one stone. By handing out taxpayer money to subsidize a portion of the cost of a more fuel efficient vehicle, the program is saving the economy and saving the environment.

Although the program increased consumer spending and increased fuel efficiency, the question should be: At what cost? It has been a bureaucratic nightmare laden with unintended consequences. And despite all its ‘success’, GM and Chrysler’s sales in August from a year earlier fell 20 and 15 percent, respectively.

Sure, the government was successful as spending $3 billion in taxpayer dollars, but when isn’t the government good at spending other peoples’ money? Unfortunately, the government hasn’t been so great at transferring the money affecting the cash flows of some of the dealerships. A few examples:

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