Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chris' Crazy Comparisons: Palin Like Howard Stern and Bill Clinton is 'Voice of God'

Chris' Crazy Comparisons: Palin Like Howard Stern and Bill Clinton is 'Voice of God': "Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, threw out a couple of crazy comparisons as he likened the socially conservative Sarah Palin to shock jock Howard Stern and the rakish Bill Clinton to God. First up, in his Hardball Sideshow segment, Matthews claimed the reason the former Alaska governor was so popular on the lecture circuit is because, 'just like Howard Stern the reason people will pay to hear her is that they have no idea what she's gonna say next.' However Matthews outdid himself, just a little later, as he declared listening to Clinton's strategic advice for Democrats on passing health care reform was like hearing, 'The Voice of God.'"

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