Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chris Matthews: Waterboard SEALs, Not Terrorists « NewsReal Blog

Chris Matthews: Waterboard SEALs, Not Terrorists « NewsReal Blog


As predicted, Chris Matthews could hardly contain himself reacting to former Vice President Dick Cheney, (or Chee-neey, as Matthew peculiarly insists on over-emphasizing with the relish pretentious liberals used to affect when saying “Nee-ah-rrrah-wah” during arguments over the Contras and the Sandinistas).

Cheney’s blockbuster interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace had all the usual suspects screaming in outrage Monday, with Matthews’ reaction particularly self-revealing, thanks to California Congressman Duncan Hunter.

There was plenty of the usual blather about how we should be above this, misapplications of the Geneva Conventions, whether it works, and the like (issues we will cover in the future). Matthews and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz were particularly outraged that the interrogators had talked meanly to the terrorists, using sound effects and threats to family members whom the U.S. isn’t even holding.

But Duncan Hunter finally hit Matthews with something I’ve been shouting at the screen for months.

Chris Matthews doesn't like logic, it doesn't fit in well with his propaganda. He is about as anti American as anyone can be. So when SEAL's are water boarded it is not torture, just when you do it to some guy who murdered and plans to murder thousands of American's.

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