Thursday, September 3, 2009

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - GOP senator warns of ‘minor revolution’ over health care « - Blogs from

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - GOP senator warns of ‘minor revolution’ over health care « - Blogs from "WASHINGTON (CNN) — A top Republican senator warned Tuesday that if Democrats try to overhaul health care without Republican support, 'it will wreck our health care system and wreck the Democratic Party.'

'The intensity on this issue across the country is like nothing I've seen in a long, long time,' said Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the third-ranking Republican in the Senate.

After a month of town halls back home, Alexander said it's clear to him and other Republicans that Americans are 'scared to death' about the sweeping policy changes coming from Washington this year and the massive debt they are creating.

Alexander warned there would be 'a minor revolution in this country'"

Strike that .. a major revolution .. call it what it is. Many people do not want the government more in control of their lives then they are now. A vast majority of people are very happy with the way things are now 80% according to Rasmussen. That 80% will not be happy at all if their health care changes in any way, less access by Obamacare will create a serious problem for Washington.

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