Thursday, September 3, 2009 - Revision: Education Dept. Changes Suggested Classroom Activities for Students Who Watch Obama’s Speech - Revision: Education Dept. Changes Suggested Classroom Activities for Students Who Watch Obama’s Speech: "( - Amid complaints from some parents and political conservatives, the Obama White House has dropped a recommendation that students write a paper on “how to help the president” following President Obama’s Sept. 8 speech to the nation’s school children.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan, in a letter to school principals, announced that Obama will address students live from the White House, via the White House Web site and on C-SPAN, at 12:00 p.m. on Sept. 8.

The topic is education. “The president will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning,” Duncan said in a letter posted on the Education Department’s Web site.

In addition to encouraging all students, teacher and administrators to watch Obama’s speech, the Education Department is encouraging educators “to use this moment to help students get focused and inspired” as they begin the new school year."

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