Wednesday, September 2, 2009 / US / Society - Fox News host sparks outrage / US / Society - Fox News host sparks outrage: "If the White House is trying to figure how it lost control of the debate over healthcare in August, it could take a look at Glenn Beck’s television and radio ratings. The conservative talk radio host, who also has an hourly slot on Fox News every day, has seen his viewer numbers soar even as opponents have pressed companies to withdraw advertising from the show.

Earlier this month, Mr Beck, a recovering alcoholic and former pop music disc jockey who turned to political radio after 9/11, sparked outrage when he accused Barack Obama of being a racist. “This president has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep-seated hatred for white people,” said Mr Beck. “This guy is, I believe, a racist.”

Mr Beck, who attracts the third highest listenership at between 8m and 10m after Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, the more established conservative radio hosts, also sparked protests when he likened Mr Obama’s plans for a civilian corps to Nazi stormtroopers. The White House declined to comment on any of Mr Beck’s remarks.

But observers say Mr Beck’s 20-hour weekly output has helped shift the debate away from Mr Obama on healthcare and fuelled talk that the proposed reforms would lead to a government takeover that would include “death panels” for senior citizens.


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