Thursday, September 3, 2009

Glenn Beck Show September 2, 2009 « RBO

Glenn Beck Show September 2, 2009 « RBO

To some degree GlennBeck picked up last night where he left off on the previous night’s show and continued to talk about the radicals in the Oministration — Van Jones and Cass Sunstein in particular.

Fox News reports Van Jones’ continues its push to drive Beck off the air but Jones himself apologized yesterday for having called Republicans ‘assholes’. Read all the way to the end.

    Van Jones, the Obama administration’s “green jobs” adviser, apologized Wednesday for calling Republicans “assholes,” saying the comments were made before he joined the administration and “were clearly inappropriate.”

    Jones had told a group of listeners earlier in the year that the reason Republicans are stonewalling the president is because they’re “assholes,” remarks that were recorded in a video and posted to YouTube.

    “I apologize for the offensive words I chose to use during that speech,” Jones said in a written statement to Politico. “They do not reflect the views of this administration, which has made every effort to work in a bipartisan fashion, and they do not reflect the experience I have had since I joined the administration.”

    He made the remarks in February during an energy lecture in Berkeley, Calif., after a woman in the audience asked him why President Obama and congressional Democrats were having trouble moving legislation — even though Republicans, with a smaller majority, didn’t have as much trouble earlier in the Bush administration.

    “Well, the answer to that is, they’re assholes,” Jones said, to uproarious laughter. “That’s a technical, political science term.”

    The questioner responded, “I was afraid that that was the answer.”

    But Jones said that, even though Obama is “not an asshole,” others have to step up the fight.

    “Now, I will say this. I can be an asshole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity,” he said.

Note even Tony Romm at The Hill’s ‘Briefing Room’ reported on Jones’ remark. Romm writes “At the time, the Obama administration had not yet tapped Jones to serve as a special adviser on the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality.” Ah, yes, true. But Jones had been serving as part of the Obama transition team since November 2008. Does that count?

Beck began last night’s show with questions about America’s bread basket. (partial transcript: “Why Are We Still Listening to Progressives About the Environment?”)

Gateway Pundit focused on one inconvenient fact Beck pointed out — the Politburo wants, as Obama promised during the campaign, to shut down the coal industry — which produces 40% of America’s energy.

The Obama Green Government.

The Endangered Environmental Species Act and how the “guidelines” will ultimately impact the food supply in the west and California in particular. He cited the case of the Delta smelt, which RBO wrote about in The California water v Delta smelt war, which has been viewed daily since being posted February 21.

Gregory Dail at the Orange County Conservative Examiner followed up with some quick research after Beck talked about the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act on his radio show yesterday.

Beck also addressed the September 8 POTUS national address to public school children, which RBO posted about August 29 here, which has been kept updated.

Also see Chelsea Schilling’s Parents’ outrage preview of Obama TV Sept. 8? Televised school messages that ‘glorify’ president called indoctrination at WND; Right blasts Obama speech to students at The Politico; and Some object to Obama speech to students at the Houston Chronicle.

Beck talks about the Progressives. Variety’s ‘Wilshire and Washington’ wrote: “The News Corp.-GE war, played out on their news channels, just took another very bizarre turn as Glenn Beck picked up the mantle today and identified subversive, communist inspired art [from the 1930s] around Rockefeller Center, the home of NBC.”

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