Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Government Run Health Scare

Government Run Health Scare: "For months the Obama administration has been working to scare the hell out of every American concerning a “world wide pandemic” of the H1N1 “swine flu” virus. This week, Obama health officials are out in number warning that the virus will infect 50% of Americans over the coming weeks, and that at least 90,000 Americans will die, double the number of normal flu season fatalities.

The information on the subject has been lies covered up with more lies and wrapped in an enigma of scattered half-truths and intentional misdirection from our fools in government. The incredibly poor handling of the matter leads one to wonder if the whole mess isn’t by intent…
My Personal Experience

A little over three weeks ago, my kids returned to school. A week after school started, we received an automated phone call from the school board notifying parents that the H1N1 flu had already shown up in the school district, but no specific schools in the county were named.

We asked our local school officials who advised that they knew of no outbreak at our local schools."

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