Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Health insurers asked to detail executive pay - Sep. 1, 2009

Health insurers asked to detail executive pay - Sep. 1, 2009: "WASHINGTON ( -- Earlier this year, public outrage boiled over with news of eye-popping pay to top executives on Wall Street.

White House officials later acknowledged they had misjudged the velocity and volume of furor triggered by 'bonusgate,' which raised the profile of corporate executive pay.

Could that happen now in health care?

Some of the known salaries are pretty big. Last year, the head of Cigna (CI, Fortune 500) made $11 million and the head of United Health Group (UNH, Fortune 500) made $9.4 million, according to the Corporate Library.

Fifty-two health and accident insurance companies have until Friday to turn over salary details on employees who make more than $500,000 a year.

Last month, Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., head of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, asked for the figures as part of a broader look at how health insurers operate."

I want to see all of WAXMANS financial dealings. Also Rangels. Can we put them in jail for tax evasion now?

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