Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Jewish Indy - WHY HASN’T CIA DIRECTOR LEON PANETTA RESIGNED?: "As Attorney General Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. - on orders from President Barack Hussein Obama attacks the CIA, why hasn’t Leon Panetta (appointed by Obama to be Director of the CIA) resigned for being double-crossed? Is it because he, like Eric Holder, is on assignment to destroy the viability of the CIA and its outreach into foreign nations like Syria, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Russia, etc.

The CIA has implants into most every nation in the world.

Is there any reason President Obama would not want the CIA to gather information in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc.? Would they, by chance, discover the underlying basis of Obama’s apologizing for American policy to radical Muslim Islamist nations and other plans to subvert the national security of America?

Is it Leon Panetta’s assignment to assist in eviscerating the CIA’s potential for penetrating and discovering what State Sponsors of Terrorism are planning - possibly in collusion with Obama’s teams of advisors or some 35 unelected appointees some called 'Czars'?

Leon Panetta has made a few self-serving, throw away defensive comments on the Obama-Holder assault on CIA interrogators and, thus, the entire CIA. In a quick but, pre-planned gesture, Obama switches interrogation"

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