Thursday, September 3, 2009

The New Media Journal | Hezbollah Deploys Chemical & Biological Weapons Near Israeli Border

The New Media Journal | Hezbollah Deploys Chemical & Biological Weapons Near Israeli Border: "The Kuwaiti daily al-Siyassa reported Thursday, Sept. 3, that chemical weapons were stored in the hidden Hezbollah arms warehouse which blew up at Hirbet Salim near the Israeli border in mid-July. Of the 11 Hezbollah operatives killed in the blast, 3 died of chemical poisoning. Hezbollah denied any members had been killed or even that it maintains a weapons store in breach of UN resolutions.

On July 21, it was reported that the explosion, heard on both sides of the border, refuted Israeli military claims that the Lebanese border was secure and revealed that the destroyed arms dump was one of 35 Hezbollah had lined up within 20 kilometers from the border.

European intelligence sources reported on Sept. 1, that Hezbollah had recently boosted its military capabilities with a supply of chemical shells and short-range missiles with chemical warheads and was about to receive biological weapons as well. One source said that the Lebanese terrorist group is now one of the most sophisticated and best trained military forces in the Middle East, describing them as 'bad guys with good strategic vision.'"

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