Thursday, September 3, 2009

The New Media Journal | HR3200 Gives Obama Power to Appoint Healthcare 'Commissioner'

The New Media Journal | HR3200 Gives Obama Power to Appoint Healthcare 'Commissioner': "The health care bill under consideration in the House of Representatives would give President Obama the authority to name a new federal “Health Choices Commissioner” who would have sweeping power to govern the health insurance plans offered in a so-called 'exchange' where millions of Americans would get their health insurance if the bill is enacted.

These powers would include deciding which treatments are covered, which companies can participate, which states can run their own exchange, and enrolling individuals into the public exchange.

Though the bill, House Resolution 3200, faces many political hurdles, it has passed three House committees and could be ready for a floor vote after Congress returns from recess. The overhaul package calls for establishing a health insurance exchange where people earning up to 400 percent of the poverty level will be able to purchase health insurance with the help of federal subsidies. Thisexchange would include a 'public option' government-run health care plan as well as private plans that provide a minimum benefits package dictated by the government."

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