Thursday, September 3, 2009

The New Media Journal | Poll: Obama Has Lost Independents

The New Media Journal | Poll: Obama Has Lost Independents: "A majority of independent voters, 53 percent, now disapprove of Obama’s job performance, according to a poll from CNN/Opinion Research Corp. conducted last week.

That marks the first time a CNN poll has shown a majority of independents turning against the president. Only 43 percent of independents now approve of Obama’s performance.

Obama's overall approval rating dropped 3 points from July and 8 points from June, to 53 percent. The amount of those disapproving rose 5 points from July and 8 points from June, to 45 percent.

To be sure, the president did gain support among Democrats, to 90 percent, up 3 points from July. Only 15 percent of Republicans approve, down 8 points from July."

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