Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Obama Faces Calls to Grab Health Care Reins From Congress - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama Faces Calls to Grab Health Care Reins From Congress - Political News - FOXNews.com: "With public support waning, President Obama is at a crossroads on health care reform: Does he attempt to breathe life into Congress' efforts or do something more drastic -- offer his own solution?

The president faces these questions as Congress returns next week from a summer recess which by most accounts took a heavy toll on reform legislation.

And a growing number of lawmakers, analysts and newspapers are suggesting Congress start from scratch, and that Obama take charge by introducing his own bill.

'I think the only way the president can turn the public debate around and win over a lot of scared, confused people is to put forward his own plan, and to spend the time and capital necessary to explain it,' said Democratic strategist Dan Gerstein. 'There needs to be an Obama plan. ... One of the biggest mistakes the president made was subcontracting this to Congress.'"

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